Luz María Cardenal Los primeros meses con el Alto Stick ...
Cristián Larrondo El camino de las cuerdas percutidas ...
Keith K Kim Guitarist's experience of stick ...
André Chalifour 12 Études Harmoniques en 12 tonalités...
Jim Bruno Adventures on the Ns stick.....
Don Schiff How I found the Stick.....
Juan R Leõn The Nucleus of Creation: Further Thoughts on Tapping
Andrey Karlyshev I was determined to find the NS/Stick guitar
Dean Kobayashi Why I chose the NS/Stick...
Giacomo Villani NS/Stick, una porta sul mondo della creatività
Kenji Tsunami Jack of all trades, Master of None..
Tom Griesgraber Chapman Stick and drums.....
Jan Hellman The Stick - 30 + years of head scratching ... ?.....
Bruce Jacques I still feel like a beginner
Boaz Bar Levy Accesories (seems) to made for stick it
André Pelat Œuvres classiques pour … Chapman Stick !!
Jacky Mouvillat Est apparu cet instrument improbable
Alejandro Cruickshank Mi experiencia con el Stick
Brett Bottomley Working 1000 times harder than everyone else ......just to fake it 
Jim Lampi Stick Lesson
Dirseus Hache Stick 1318
Guillermo Cides Stick Coaching, or the art of helping to express yourself
Tomás Merlo El Stick puede ser muchas cosas....
Zal Juglar Objeto mágico....
Claire Steger Stick Seminars.
Valeri Robinski Chapman Stick , in Russia, few people known this instrument
Andy Salvanos I have a love-hate relationship with the Stick
Steve Richardson The Invisible Stick Player.
David Tipton Some Thoughts
Dale Ladouceur Getting the most out of your creative time.
Josh Goldberg Teaching Stick in the Age of Internet
Linda Cushma Adventures with the Chapman Stick and Guillermo Cides.
Nima Rezai Guitar Synth.
Andrea "Atreio" Marcucci Warm-up and Repertory on the Chapman Stick ....
Diego Souto Afinación Nueva Estandar para Stick.- Segunda Parte
Mauricio Sotelo Vargas The Railboard  - Análisis detallado...
Diego Souto Afinación Nueva Estandar para Stick...
Boris Bazurov Chapman Stick y Sintetizadores ...
Tomás Díaz ChilEtno: Ensamble de música Folk....
Hettory Prototipo SG-12.... 
Rodrigo Serrão One year with the Chapman Stick...
Jesús Borrero El antes y el despùés ...
Francisco Rafart Extendiendo el instrumento...
Steve Adelson Polychords
Youenn Landreau Stick Camp 2015
Diego Muñoz Grand Stick, el instrumento Divino
David Blamèble La vision Caribéenne du Stick !
Yasuo Asakura I arrange European Renaissance & Barroque period music for Chapman Stick..
Tony Rodriguez  Stick'N Around
Marco De Angelis How I met the Chapman Stick and how I fell in love with it 
Pilar Ávila De la batería al stick
Marc Mennigmann.. Half Fretless SB8
Emmanuel Pina El Stick existía en México también
Juan Dahmen  En las puertas de Taphäuser
Luis Ruiz Compositor y productor musical
Silvia Gallego Fet a mà 432 Hz
Jero Castellà Transición desde la guitarra
Japhlet Bire Attias La búsqueda del vocabulario
Marina Font Recordo el primer contacte amb l’Stick
Chris Crain First Steps
Paul Caruso Some Musings ...
Ron Baggerman Stick lessons for beginners / intermediate .....
Mauricio Manchón La busqueda del própio lenguaje.....
Virna Splendore Approach to Chapman Stick .....